Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cockpit Country (Metaphorically Speaking)

Now this might be the worst metaphor in the history of metaphors, but just go with it.Wikipedia has a quasi-blurb on the cockpits of Trelawny:


The southern section of Trelawny is part of the Cockpit Country, and is uninhabitable. It is therefore a natural reserve for flora and fauna; most of Jamaica's 27 endemic birdspecies can be found there, along with the yellow snakes, and the giant swallowtail butterfly, the largest butterfly in the western hemisphere. Most of the parish has the typical limestone features of cockpitssinkholescaves and underground passages.


Now, I have never actually been to cockpit country, but that’s not the point. The cockpits are quickly rising, quickly falling mountains. Now, the metaphor part is that my emotions/general state of mind has been a lot like cockpit country for the last month. Highs one day were replaced by lows the next. There was one week I recall actually having three really awesome days spread apart by two pretty horrible ones. You get the point. I would go into all of this in detail, but I really prefer not to relive bad memories, and the blog isn’t really a place to do that. And yeah, everything is generally chill.


I haven’t posted since October 3rd. While I said a long time back I would try to post every week, I guess I have come to terms with the fact that I was just plain wrong. I would be more motivated to post if I got more than one comment every two months though, cough cough… Regardless, since I haven’t posted in forever, this one will include pictures, and fun ones at that!



This is a picture of Water Square, Falmouth, with about 10,000 people in it. Very hard to capture the ridiculousness of this scene. Usain Bolt is from my parish, so there was a giant rally where all the Jamaican Olympic athletes came through town on floats, and people (myself included) waited for hours to see them. There are normally about 50-100 people in Water Square at any one time – mostly taxi drivers and conductors. So yeah, we waited a few hours, and finally saw the dudes…


Usain Bolt came into town on a float all of his own (the other athletes shared one). He was dancing and singing and riling up the crowd – it was pretty sweet. I got up super close to him (see above) and a friend of mine got this picture. The ties on his head are from William Knibb high, the high school he attended. Incidentally, Knibb is about two minutes from my worksite.


I got to Negril two weekends ago, where I did a lot of cliff jumping, chilled with friends, and got attacked by a baby nurse shark (sort of). It really went for a friend of mine a lot more than me, but it was definitely a 12” shark. Very strange. It didn’t really have teeth – it was trying to gum us.

I got to Kingston last weekend for the Peace Corps Quarterly meetings – it was great to get out of town. I am now on the executive board of the Health Across Sector Lines volunteer subcommittee and am trying to get a national registry of HIV/AIDS testing centers and other fun stuff made available to all volunteers in Jamaica.


I assume you notice I really don’t have many stories about my site. That is sort of true, and sort of explains the mood I have been in lately. To sum it up, I am not entirely thrilled with my job. I love my counterpart and supervisor, but working in a school guidance department isn’t really for me. Nonetheless, I have busied myself with my parenting programs and peer education programs and tried to keep things interesting. I am also looking into secondary projects – might be getting involved with the Jamaica Red Cross or the Jamaica Family Planning organizations and their HIV/AIDS testing programs.


The first workshop I am putting together with my peer educators is on Substance Abuse. I asked around the campus, and from what I can figure out the main problems facing my students are Ganja and Skin Bleaching. Ganja is obvious – that part of the presentation hasn’t been too hard to put together. Skin bleaching however is something I had never heard of before arriving in Jamaica. Essentially, skin bleaching is when kids rub chemicals on their face to make their skin lighter, with the belief that a lighter complexion will lead to higher paying jobs and more social success. Besides the obvious social implications of such an undertaking, there are serious health implications as well. Bleaching mechanisms vary from hydroquinone creams (the most safe) to toothpaste/bleach/curry homemade mixes (the least safe). Regardless, all of these mechanisms have potential carcinogenic side-effects, and I am doing my best (with the help of a few of you from back home) to put together a decent presentation on the issue.

Besides work, I have been spending about three hours a day studying MCAT material for the last month. I have registered for a test on March 28th in NYC and will be flying back. It will be my first time back to the states in about nine months at that point, so it should be interesting. I think the studying is taking a toll on my mood, but I need to get it done and need to do it well. Yeah.


That’s about all I have to say for right now… hit me back with comments or emails or whatever. It gets lonely out here, and as much as this blog is a good way for me to chronicle stuff for myself, comments would be nice every now and then.


Miss you all,


1 comment:

norn125 said...

I can't believe you got to see Usain Bolt! That is too cool. Sorry I haven't commented until now! I hope you have more good days than bad ones! You're amazing. Keep up the good work! We love you! baby D says HI! and the parentals send their love. Teach us some of the language please! Keep writing! love and aloha from ova hea. -norn ;)